In each issue of Working Pressure, we ask 10 questions to a training coordinator or instructor of an ASSE-approved training provider. Some questions are work related, some are personal, and others are just for fun. We learn our trade through local colleagues, mentors, and instructors, but what can we learn from others across the country? Let’s learn about the people we learn from. In this issue, we’ll get to know Steve Webb, Instructor at Local 58 Plumbers, Pipefitters and HVAC Service JATC in Southeastern Colorado.
If you’d like us to ask 10 questions to your ASSE-approved training coordinator or instructor, send us a note telling us why at editor@workingpressuremag.com.
How long have you been affiliated with your training center/school?
I’ve been teaching at Local 58 Plumbers, Pipefitters and HVAC Service JATC for eight years.
What is your background as it relates to your occupation?
I am a mechanical engineer at Schriever Air Force Base and a member of Local 58 with 32 years of service.
How did you become interested in the ASSE certification programs?
I became interested in the ASSE Certification programs because my father was a long time ASSE instructor and proctor for Local 58. I took his class and got an ASSE Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Certification and tested in the field. I wanted to take over his class and eventually became an ASSE instructor and proctor.
What ASSE certifications are you currently offering?
Local 58 offers the ASSE 5110 Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Certification.
Are any of the ASSE certifications required in your city or state?
The state of Colorado accepts ASSE backflow prevention certification.
How do you get students interested in the classes you are offering?
To get our students interested, we try to start out all our plumber and service apprentices with the ASSE Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester.
What was your favorite thing you did this summer?
My favorite thing I did this summer was go fishing.
What is your favorite local restaurant?
My favorite local restaurant is Skirted Heifer.
What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever given/received?
The best gift I’ve ever received was my kids, which is also the best gift I’ve given. The worst gift I received was underwear! And the worst gift I’ve given was an ugly sweater.
Who is your favorite superhero?
My favorite superhero is Deadpool!