Ten Questions With … Richard Manley

Training Director, Local 189 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Service Technicians

In each issue of Working Pressure, we ask 10 questions to a training coordinator or instructor of an ASSE-approved training provider. Some questions are work related, some are personal, and others are just for fun. We learn our trade through local colleagues, mentors, and instructors, but what can we learn from others across the country? Let’s learn about the people we learn from. In this issue, we’ll get to know Richard Manley, Training Director at Local 189 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Service Technicians in Columbus, Ohio.
If you’d like us to ask 10 questions to your ASSE-approved training coordinator or instructor, send us a note telling us why at editor@workingpressuremag.com.


Photo: Richard Manley with Vice President Kamala Harris at Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 189

How long have you been affiliated with your training center/school?
I have been a Local 189 Pipefitter since 1984 and I have been an instructor since 1995.

What is your background as it relates to your occupation?
My background is in installing and servicing temperature controls. I am also a member of the JCI Projects Team.

How did you become interested in the ASSE certification programs?
I was introduced to ASSE’s certification programs by several individuals, such as Marianne Waickman and Jason Shank. The first program that I became interested in was the Instructor Training Program.

What ASSE certifications are you currently offering?
Local 189 offers certification training for ASSE 5000 Backflow Prevention Certifications and ASSE 12000 Infection Control Certifications.

Are any of the ASSE certifications required in your city or state?
ASSE Certifications are currently not required in the state of Ohio.

How do you get students interested in the classes you are offering?
We get students interested in backflow and ICRA classes by stressing the importance of maintaining the health of our U.S. citizens by correctly installing these various systems.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
The first thing I would do if I won the lottery is assist the Local in purchasing a new training center. Then, it’d be off to Palm Springs with my wife for an extended stay!

What’s your favorite sports team?
My favorite team is the Ohio State Buckeyes.

Who do you think will win the Super Bowl in 2022?
I think the Green Bay Packers will win the next Super Bowl.

Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?
My New Year’s resolution is to be more understanding and less rushed in day to day demands and schedules.

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Janice McNellis is the Professional Qualifications Coordinator at ASSE International. She works closely with ASSE Approved Schools that provide training to each of ASSE’s certification programs.