In each issue of Working Pressure, we ask 10 questions to a training coordinator or instructor of an ASSE-approved training provider. Some questions are work related, some are personal, and others are just for fun. We learn our trade through local colleagues, mentors, and instructors, but what can we learn from others across the country? Let’s learn about the people we learn from. In this issue, we’ll get to know John Sullivan, Instructor at Plumbers Local One Training Center in New York, NY.
If you’d like us to ask 10 questions to your ASSE-approved training coordinator or instructor, send us a note telling us why at
How long have you been affiliated with your training center/school?
In 2005, I began teaching in the evening for Plumbers Local 1. In 2007, I was offered a full-time instructor position. This year, March marked my 15th year as a full-time instructor with Local 1.
What is your background as it relates to your occupation?
My father was a UA Local 2 plumber (Local 2 consolidated with Local 1 in 1997), so I was lucky to grow up in a household that understood the value of skilled craftsmanship and the dignity of honest labor. After exploring different educational and career paths as a young adult, I asked my father how he was able to learn his trade and support our family from it. He told me the story of his career path and guided me toward apprenticeship. As a Local 1 apprentice and journeyman, I was lucky to work with some of the best tradespeople I could imagine. In the field, prior to full-time employment with our training center, I worked as a plumber, gasfitter, and welder everywhere from hidden tunnels in the bowels of the city to the tops of unfinished skyscrapers with views across three states and the ocean beyond.
How did you become interested in the ASSE certification programs?
Local 1 was an early adopter of ASSE 6000 Medical Gas Systems Certifications. As apprentices, we knew that this was one of the last classes we were required to pass before turning out. We were also well aware that holding an ASSE certification would help open more work opportunities for our contractors, and in turn us, through unpredictable economic times.
What ASSE certifications are you currently offering?
Currently, all our apprentices graduate with an ASSE 6010 Medical Gas Systems Installer Certification. The ASSE 5110 Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Certification has been one of our most popular Journeyman continuing education classes for quite a while. With our upcoming Journeyman class schedules, we will be offering ASSE 12000 Infection Control for Maintenance Personnel Certification and ASSE 12061 Water Quality Program for Plumbers Certification. Our approach with the Water Quality Program is to do our part to create a trained and certified workforce so that our contractors can successfully bid the work, which we expect to result from legislation, rulemaking, and operational requirements being promoted by our labor, management, and professional organizations. This is a proven method that has been successful for us with both the Medical Gas and Backflow Certification programs. In an era when we are more aware than ever of the importance of risk reduction and disease prevention, it only makes sense that we prepare our workforce to justifiably claim their part.
Are any of the ASSE certifications required in your city or state?
The ASSE 6010 Medical Gas System Installer Certification is a requirement. The ASSE 5110 Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester certification is not the only acceptable certification for testing backflow devices; however, when New York State was changing the requirements of their backflow program, we applied as a training center to have the ASSE certification accepted. We chose to do this after researching our options for third-party certification providers vs. developing our own independent program. In the end, it became obvious that partnering with ASSE was the best choice.
How do you get students interested in the classes you are offering?
Our students want to spend time in classes that they see as having a positive effect on their ability to stay employed, increase their employment opportunity, or increase their ability to advance their career. That said, it is essential that our course catalog give a succinct and accurate description of the offering. To meet this goal, our course catalog gives a brief description of class objectives and any associated certifications. When a professional can see this information, then that potential student is more likely to make the decision to register and dedicate the time out of their life to take these classes. New course catalogs are made available to all our members annually through our website, and all our members are notified of this through social media and a notification postcard. When we have a new course, such as the ASSE 12061 Water Quality Program for Plumbers, we spotlight it in our course offerings.
If you could witness any event — past, present, or future — what would it be?
My best answer would be to somehow have a view of the Big Bang. This being a moment where everything was still possible, while we hadn’t yet inherited either the triumphs or tragedies of our own history.
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
My favorite thing to do in the summer is spend unscheduled time with my family.
Who did you want to win Super Bowl LVI?
Although I didn’t really have a vested interest in either team this year, I was rooting for Cincinnati to win the Super Bowl.
What are your favorite pizza toppings?
This one is simple — sausage.