In each issue of Working Pressure, we ask 10 questions to a training coordinator or instructor of an ASSE-approved training provider. Some questions are work related, some are personal, and others are just for fun. We learn our trade through local colleagues, mentors, and instructors, but what can we learn from others across the country? Let’s learn about the people we learn from. In this issue, we’ll get to know Joe Cooper, training director of Plumbers & Pipefitters UA Local 286 in Austin, Texas.
If you’d like us to ask 10 questions to your ASSE-approved training coordinator or instructor, send us a note telling us why at editor@workingpressuremag.com.
How long have you been affiliated with your training center/school?
I began as an instructor in 2000 and I taught for 12 years. I then became training director in 2013 and I just completed 11 years in January of this year.
What is your background as it relates to your occupation?
Local 286 is a combination local; my UA book is a pipefitter. I also carry a Texas State Master Plumber license with a medical gas endorsement.
How did you become interested in the ASSE certification programs?
I first became interested in ASSE certifications because we wanted an additional certification for our pipefitting apprentices. Because of that, we added the ASSE 12010 ICRA certification.
What ASSE certifications are you currently offering?
We currently offer the ASSE 12010 ICRA certification.
Why are the ICRA and Water Quality Certifications important to your school?
The ASSE 12010 certifications are important because the certifications help validate our program. They help show our customers and end users that our members are concerned about their property or facility.
How do you get students interested in the classes you are offering?
We are fortunate that we have a captive audience and can mandate this for the apprenticeship.
What is your favorite thing about your career?
When I was in the field, once I completed a project, there was something standing, a source of pride, I had a part in building something. On the training side, no difference, we are simply building plumbers, pipefitters, and HVAC techs.
What is your biggest accomplishment?
This year I will celebrate 24 years of marriage to my beautiful wife, Montana. We are blessed to have two wonderful daughters: Vanessa who is a junior at NYU, and Amber, who is a freshman at Texas A&M.
If you could have chosen a different career, what would it have been and why?
If I could have chosen a different career, I would have been a lobbyist. I’d be getting paid to convince others about issues that are not my issues!
What is your favorite restaurant?
My favorite restaurant is Curras Grill, which offers authentic Mexican cuisine.