In each issue of Working Pressure, we ask 10 questions to a training coordinator or instructor of an ASSE-approved training provider. Some questions are work related, some are personal, and others are just for fun. We learn our trade through local colleagues, mentors, and instructors, but what can we learn from others across the country? Let’s learn about the people we learn from. In this issue, we’ll get to know Jason Fernandes, Training Coordinator, UA Local 367 Training Center.
If you’d like us to ask 10 questions to your ASSE-approved training coordinator or instructor, send us a note telling us why at
How long have you been affiliated with your training center/school?
I have been affiliated with the Local 367 Training Center for about 10 years. I have been with Local 367 Plumbers and Pipefitters for the last 27 and a half years.
What is your background as it relates to your occupation?
I am currently the Training Coordinator for the Local 367 Training Center. I started as a first-year apprentice in 1995 and have worked as a pipe welder, plumber, HVACR service tech, and instructor over the years.
How did you become interested in the ASSE certification programs?
I first became interested in ASSE Certification programs when I was testing backflow preventers for Superior Plumbing and Heating. As I became an instructor at the Local 367 Training Center, I became more involved with other courses like ICRA training, water management, and medical gas installations.
What ASSE certifications are you currently offering?
We currently offer the ASSE 5110 Backflow Tester certification, ASSE 12010, 12020, and 12061 ICRA and Water Quality certifications, and the ASSE 6010 Medical Gas Installer certification. We work with Local 669 on the backflow classes here at the training center. We are also looking at possible legislation to require the ICRA certification to be able to work at hospitals, health care facilities, and schools.
Why are the ICRA and Water Quality Certifications important to your school?
The ICRA and Water Quality certifications are important to the Local 367 Training Center because of the amount of hospital, school, and health care facility work that our signatory contractors do in the state of Alaska. These certifications ensure that our members are prepared to protect the individuals who are in these facilities while work is being done.
How do you get students interested in the classes you are offering?
Our students are currently required to at least take the ASSE 12010 ICRA class in their fifth year of apprenticeship. This is a requirement we started back in 2019 — all apprentices complete the course before being able to turn out as a journey worker. We also have journey workers who attend the classes, as well as contractors, when the classes are being held. Our members see the benefits of knowing how to mitigate the spread of infections in health care facilities.
What is your favorite thing about your career?
My favorite thing about my career is seeing apprentices who are understanding the information, and then you see them excel out in the field while working.
What is your biggest accomplishment?
The biggest accomplishments I have so far are the apprentices who have excelled and either started their own businesses or are running jobs for contractors. Eventually, when I turn over the Local 367 Training Center to my successor, they will have a program that is already running smoothly.
What is an unpopular opinion you hold?
An unpopular opinion I hold is that everyone who has a plumbing license should be required to attend at least 40 hours of training a year. Currently, the State of Alaska requires 16 hours of training every two years. I believe staying up on codes and knowing about latest technologies make a better journey worker and apprentice.
If someone were to visit your city, what would you recommend?
To people visiting the Anchorage area, I would recommend getting out and seeing the vast country. Take a trip up to see the glaciers, see Mount Denali and park, and catch some of the world class fishing we offer here.
What was your favorite summertime moment?
Summertime is great here in Alaska. There is lots of fishing and things to do. The 20 hours of daylight during the summer means you can spend more time seeing the sights and enjoying what this state has to offer.