Happy New Year! I hope that 2022 will be closer to normal than 2020 or 2021 (I assume that you do too). I am excited to tell you that ASSE International plans to resume normal operations in 2022, meaning meeting in person with protocols in place to protect all involved. If all goes according to plan, ASSE committees will meet in person for our 2022 Mid-Year Meeting, hosted in Chicago by UA Plumbers Local Union #130. The Third Quarter Board of Directors Meeting and the Annual Meeting will both be held in San Diego. If you have any questions or concerns before attending these meetings, please contact the ASSE International office for our current meeting policies.
Just because we are starting to get back to in person meetings doesn’t mean we will lose the experience and knowledge gained in these past two years. We are looking at ways of integrating in person and remote meetings to ensure that we continue with ASSE’s tradition of having industry experts “at the table” to discuss and solve the issues at hand.
“Health and Safety” is the theme of this issue and it couldn’t come at a better time. These past two years have shown us that there is more work to be done regarding “Prevention Rather than Cure” within the piping industry and in our lives in general. I am hoping that every one of you is healthy and looking forward to 2022 as much as I am.