I am always saddened when a news story reports that someone has lost their life in a house fire. Many times the victim turns out to be a child. The remaining survivors are displaced until the home can be repaired or rebuilt. All their personal belongings have been destroyed. Unfortunately, these stories are reported too often. Nearly 3,000 people die in home fires each year, 500 of them are children (14 and younger). I am sure most of the television audience is also saddened by the report, but unless you are directly connected to the victims you move on with your life and the sun rises on another day. To me, it is upsetting knowing the frequency of these stories can be greatly reduced, lives can be saved and families do not have to be displaced from their homes for long periods of time. Surprisingly, some people believe proven lifesaving sprinkler systems are not worth the extra costs when building a house. I guess the bottom-line question is: How much is your family worth to you?

In 1973, the National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control published the report “America Burning.” The intent was to focus national attention on the residential fire problem. The report indicated that residential fires caused the majority of fire deaths in this nation. The report also provided recommendations to solve this ongoing crisis. A major recommendation was to develop a cost effective residential sprinkler system. The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) did just that. In 1975, the first addition of the NFPA 13D system was adopted. It emphasized life safety as the primary goal. Property protection was secondary. One of the burdens was to ensure this system would not be cost prohibitive while still providing life safety protection. One method was to combine the sprinklers with the plumbing system; another was to omit sprinklers in areas of low fire incidents. In 1980, a complete revision to the NFPA 13D was completed. The revision was based on research and a better understanding of residential fires. The new “residential sprinkler” classification was included. Since then, new additions have been published, each one providing better information while taking into account new technologies and building designs. The NFPA 13D residential fire sprinkler systems improve the opportunity for the family to escape a fire, thus saving lives.
In 2000, the “America Burning” committee was recommissioned. After several meetings, a report was drafted. While fire deaths have fallen from 7,395 in 1977 to 4,035 in 1998, the number is still unacceptable. Also unacceptable are the 100 yearly firefighter deaths. The report states the ways to reduce fire loses and deaths are neither unknown nor arcane. The primary goal is to prevent fires. Smoke detectors have proven effective in alarming occupants and sprinkler systems are the most effective method of fighting the fires.
Very few jurisdictions have required residential sprinklers. Among the few jurisdictions that have required residential sprinklers is Scottsdale, Arizona. A 10-year study was based on the Scottsdale results. The average fire loss per sprinklered incident was $1,945, compared to an unsprinklered loss of $17,067. Sprinkler systems had a direct role in saving eight lives. Sprinklers controlled or even extinguished the fire 92% of the time. In total, zero fire deaths in sprinklered homes while ten people lost their lives in nonsprinklered homes. The Scottsdale report also illustrates how sprinklered homes can actually provide the site developer added benefits along with cost savings.

Fast forward to 2023 and residential fire sprinkler systems remain a controversial topic of discussion. Movements have been made for their adoption. Two states require residential sprinkler systems while others allow local jurisdictions to adopt. Why is this so important? The reason is simple: today, home fires account for 92% of civilian fire deaths. On average, seven people die in a fire every day. It seems strange to me that we live in a highly advanced society and yet we still allow this kind of devastation and death to occur, especially when there is a proven solution. Technology has made progress in limiting residential fire deaths. Heat source equipment such as irons have automatic shutoffs. Fabrics have become more fire resistant. All of this is great progress but there is one variable for which technological advances cannot account — human error. Cooking remains the number one cause for residential fires. Smoking accounts for the number one cause for fire deaths. Working smoke alarms and a residential fire sprinkler system can be the solution to the deadly problem. NFPA 13D is the standard to which these systems need to be installed. One issue that the industry and jurisdictions face is who installs residential fire sprinklers? NFPA 13D really addresses two types of residential installations — one is the conventional stand-alone system; the other is a multipurpose system that combines the sprinkler system and the plumbing domestic water supply system.
In my experience, most stand-alone systems are installed by sprinkler fitters who have successfully completed a recognized apprenticeship program. Sprinkler fitters are experts in the fire sprinkler industry. The stand-alone system provides the very best in fire protection. Some of the benefits include flow alarms to let people know the system has activated and can respond, and the use of antifreeze, which allows more design freedom. Where antifreeze systems are installed, the proper use of backflow protection will be required.

The multipurpose system falls more under the NFPA 13D task of being cost competitive. The cost saving benefits include no required backflow protection, no flow alarms, and no duplicate piping. Since the multipurpose system is combined with the domestic water supply, antifreeze is not used. The same piping that supplies the kitchen or a bathroom also supplies the sprinklers, which reduces the amount of piping. The multipurpose system cannot be “accidently” shut off. If your faucets run water and your toilet flushes, then you know your sprinklers will also work.
ASSE International developed a professional qualification standard to address the industry needs. Utilizing the open consensus ANSI process, ASSE International drafted the ANSI approved ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 7000, Residential Potable Water Fire Protection System Installers & Inspectors for One and Two Family Dwellings. The Series 7000 was revised and approved in 2013 and 2020 in order to meet changing industry needs. ASSE International also formed a Series 7000 Technical Committee, which developed the guidelines for certification.
The ASSE International staff distributes program materials, processes applications, maintains records, grades the exams, issues certificates, and administers the recertification process. The Technical Committee is responsible for the development of a pool of exam questions, validates the exams, keeps exam questions current, and reviews the guidelines and certification requirements to ensure they meet industry needs. The ASSE International Series 7000 professional qualification standard and certification program is a complete package. When adopted, the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) will have a third party, independent, industry approved program that alleviates the AHJ from many administrative duties.
A person must have at least five years of practical experience in the installation of plumbing and/or sprinkler systems before they can qualify to take the training to become certified as an installer. The person must then successfully complete a minimum of 40 hours of ASSE-approved instruction and pass a 100-question proctored written exam with a score of 70% or higher. The person must also pass with a score of 70% or higher a practical sprinkler location and sizing exam. The inspector must have at least five years of practical experience in the inspection, installation or design of plumbing, piping, and/or sprinkler systems. The person must then successfully complete a minimum of 24 hours of ASSE approved instruction and pass a 50-question proctored exam with a score of 70% or higher. The person must also pass with a score of 70% or higher a practical verification of sprinkler locations and sizing exam. Both certifications shall be valid for three years, at which time the person would successfully complete a minimum eight-hour review course and pass a 25-question exam. A person who has successfully completed the certification will have knowledge of approved residential sprinklers, installation methods, approved locations, sprinkler specifications, regulations and codes, industry terminology, basic fire knowledge, sizing, safety and NFPA 13D.
I have been involved in residential fire sprinkler training since 2000. Over this time, advanced technology has improved the residential sprinkler industry. Sprinkler options have improved, hangers are more structurally friendly, materials have been tested and approved for a broader application, and the 2013 NFPA 13D has also become a more detailed standard than the previous ones. Better direction is provided for common structural areas such as ceiling slopes, ceiling pockets, and heating equipment storage closets. The 2013 NFPA 13D now includes shadow areas. A shadow area is an area that is not covered by a sprinkler. A small percentage of a compartment is allowed to have a shadow area. In previous NFPA 13D versions this was not allowed, which made layout very difficult.
In summary, it is sad and even upsetting that in today’s society we allow death and destruction where it can be avoided. Those opposed to residential fire sprinkler systems will point out the cost and added time to the construction of a house. I have designed and installed two systems using the multipurpose system. Being a plumber, I am already installing water lines throughout the house and the additional sprinklers add minimal time. The cost varies depending on the type of materials and sprinklers used. Studies have shown that the sprinkler system adds 1.5-2% to the overall cost of construction. When one spreads that cost out over a 30-year mortgage, the cost is minimal. How much is your family worth? At the very least, I would hope that all jurisdictions would adopt language that would allow the option of residential sprinkler systems. I would also strongly suggest jurisdictions adopt the ASSE 7000 certification for installers and inspectors. The ASSE 7000 is an industry approved third party certification that will perform all of the administrative requirements. It’s time we come together and stop this deadly problem. Residential sprinkler systems, smoke detectors and the ASSE Series 7000 is the total package for all jurisdictions. If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact ASSE International.