In 1906, Henry B. Davis and some 25 plumbing inspectors from cities across the United States gathered in a meeting hall in Washington, D.C. This was the birth of ASSE and its motto, “Prevention Rather Than Cure.” In the years since, ASSE has worked closely with industry to move this motto forward through the development of product and professional qualifications standards. Product standards and listing programs ensure that products perform safely and reliably. Professional qualifications standards and certifications ensure that systems and products are installed safely and are code compliant.
ASSE’s opportunity to incorporate “Prevention Rather Than Cure” to the spread of infectious diseases and healthcare acquired infections occurred in 2015. With today’s medical advances, infectious diseases are a continuing danger in society. Infectious diseases like cholera, Ebola, hepatitis, HIV, and Legionella are a few of the most known diseases. Some diseases have been effectively controlled with modern technology. New diseases, such as COVID and West Nile virus infection, are constantly appearing. Other diseases, such as malaria, tuberculosis, and bacterial pneumonias, are now appearing in forms that are resistant to drug treatments. The CDC continues to study these diseases and develop a strategic plans for prevention and spread of infectious diseases.
One of the CDC studies involved healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). These infections are the most common complications that occur during hospital care. According to a CDC study, approximately 1 in 31 hospitalized patients has at least one healthcare-associated infection. There were an estimated 687,000 HAIs in U.S hospitals in 2015 with approximately 5 percent caused by construction activities. About 72,000 hospital patients with HAIs died during their hospitalizations. More than half of all HAIs occurred outside of the intensive care unit. Healthcare-associated infections were accepted by the medical field as a hazard of hospitalization. However, it is now known that many common HAIs can be prevented.
In 2015, ASSE, with industry collaboration, developed the first ANSI approved ASSE Series 12000. The original purpose was to assist in the prevention of infectious diseases being spread to compromised individuals during construction activities through infection control risk assessments. It is the only ANSI approved standard that protects not only the compromised building occupants, but also the ASSE 12000 certified workers and contractors. Although this standard could be applied to any building, the focus has been healthcare and elderly care.
Shortly after rolling out the new standard and certification, ASSE conducted a focus group call with facility managers and end users to discuss the program. After listening to the concerns, it was decided to reopen the standard to expand the focus to meet the end users’ needs. Currently, the ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI 12010 and 12020 standards cover more than just infection control — the scope of these standards provides general knowledge of the environment of care, infection control, and construction risk assessment procedures to protect facility operations, occupants, workers, or any individual who has the potential for harm caused by construction activities. The objective is to provide training, continuing education, and certification to contractors, and construction and maintenance personnel.
The goal of the ASSE 12010 and 12020 personnel certifications is to provide end-users with technicians and contractors who can work as valuable members of construction risk assessment teams. Certified team members can assist in the protection of building occupants from pathogens and other potential construction hazards.
What makes ASSE 12010 and 12020 certified individuals more qualified than other professionals?
- Extra certification and experience are required:
- To become certified, individuals must take additional training and pass a third-party administered certification exam.
- End-users can feel confident knowing certified professionals have the working knowledge to perform the required tasks to complete the project in a safe and productive environment.
- Must recertify every three years, which includes continued education classes and a recertification exam.
How can ASSE 12010 and 12020 certified technicians and contractors help facilities?
ASSE 12010 Certified technicians understand:
- Environment of care
- Owner expectations
- Patient or occupant expectations
- Infection control
- Isolation and negative air methods
- Housekeeping and dust control
- Other construction risk assessments
- Preconstruction
- Hazard
- Fire and life safety
- Interim life safety measures
In 2022, ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 12000 expanded to include ASSE 12025, Construction Risk Assessment Professional Qualification Standard for Engineers, Designers, Inspectors and Commissioning Agents. With this additional standard and certification, all aspects of infection control and construction risk assessments during construction activities are covered. Thus, meeting the prevention of infectious disease outbreaks to building occupants and workers during construction instead of curing the outbreaks.

In 2018, another opportunity for “Prevention Rather Than Cure” occurred. The ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI 12060 standards were developed to prevent outbreaks caused by water systems within a building. During the development process, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a mandate requiring medical facilities to develop policies to reduce the risk of growth and spread of Legionella and other opportunistic pathogens in water. This provided an incredible opportunity for ASSE to play a key role in the prevention of waterborne outbreaks. The 12060s are broken into four separate standards and certifications.
12060: Water Quality Program Professional Qualifications Standard for Employers and Designated Representatives
12061: Water Quality Program Professional Qualifications Standard for Plumbers
12062: Water Quality Program Professional Qualifications Standard for Pipefitters and HVAC Technicians
12063: Water Quality Program Professional Qualifications Standard for Sprinkler Fitters
The goal of ASSE 12060-63 certifications is to provide end-users with contractors and technicians who can work as valuable members of a water management team. Certified team members can affordably and effectively assist in the diagraming and understanding of water systems and cooling towers, assist with water risk assessments, and work together to provide possible solutions for potential water issues.
What makes an ASSE 12060-63 Certified individual more qualified than other industry professionals?
- Extra certification and experience are required:
- To become certified, individuals must have at least three years of experience, take additional training, and pass a third-party administered certification exam.
- End-users can feel confident knowing certified professionals have the working knowledge to perform the required tasks because they are already working in similar facilities and familiar with the systems.
- Must recertify every three years, which includes continued education classes and a recertification exam.
How can ASSE 12060-63 certified individuals help facilities?
- They have a thorough and complete understanding of the control measures for water systems based on the risk levels of all building occupants.
- They are mechanical contractors, plumbers, pipefitters, and sprinkler fitter technicians who design, install, maintain, and service the piping systems and cooling towers in buildings.
- They stay current with new technology, piping methods, and water quality programs.
- Certified technicians are an asset to a water management team.
- They can assist in diagraming building water systems.
- They perform water risk assessments.
- They provide possible solutions or improvements for:
- Legionella and other bacteria
- Lead and other metals
- PFOS, PFAS, and other chemicals
- Water efficiency
- They have the skills and tools needed to implement the solutions or improvements.
At the same time, ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI 12080, Professional Qualifications Standard for Legionella Water Safety and Management Specialists, and its associated certification program was developed. It is intended for members of building water management teams, water safety teams, and other interested parties involved in the development of risk assessment analysis, and water management and sampling plans for protection from Legionella and other waterborne pathogens. ASSE 12080 certification qualifies personnel to become a member of a water safety team involved in the development of a risk assessment analysis, and water management and sampling plan for protection from Legionella and other waterborne pathogens. The purpose of the certification is to ensure knowledge and understanding of standards and codes, and the resources and skills needed to conduct a facility risk assessment and implement a water safety and management program to reduce the risk of infections due to Legionella.
The newest addition to the ASSE Series 12000 was the ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI 12050, Air Quality Program Professional Qualifications Standard for Employers and Designated Representatives, and ASSE 12051, Air Quality Program Professional Qualifications Standard for Pipe Fitters and HVAC Technicians, and their associated certification programs. These standards provide general knowledge of developing and implementing an air quality systems risk management program. The objective is to provide training, education, and certification to employers or designated representatives, pipefitters, and HVAC technicians. The 12050 and 12051 certification programs are currently being completed and should provide another benefit to the end users.
With the completion of the ASSE 12050 and 12051 programs, the ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 12000 now provides a holistic approach for the entire building. Whether it is during construction, maintenance/repair, remodeling, or reopening a building, special considerations should be taken to protect the water and air within the building. Construction workers, engineers, and inspectors must be educated to work safely to protect those within the healthcare facility, along with themselves, meeting the ASSE motto, “Prevention Rather Than Cure.”