I wanted to provide an update on the ASSE/CSA harmonization activities. Harmonization is when two standards are combined into a single standard. Often the harmonization is of two different national standards, which results in a single standard used by both countries where the initial standards originated. (For more information on the history of harmonization, see the article “A Brief History of Standards Harmonization” in the March 2023, publication of Working Pressure magazine.)

For the past year, ASSE International and the CSA Group have been working to harmonize the standards ASSE 1013, Performance Requirements for Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assemblies, and CSA B64.4, Reduced pressure principle (RP) backflow preventers. Over the course of the past year a harmonization task group was created that consists of industry stakeholders representing both standards development organizations (SDOs). This task group has been reviewing ASSE 1013 and CSA B64.4 for differences and similarities.

These comparisons are used to develop requirements that are acceptable to ASSE and CSA. The differences are often minor, and reconciling them into a single requirement is straightforward. Other times it is necessary to choose the more stringent of the two requirements. As you can imagine, a lot of work and discussion goes into publishing a harmonized standard.

This particular task group is approaching the end of its work. The group is finalizing a draft with a goal of completion this fall. The actual publication will likely be early 2025.

The changes that resulted from this activity, while not finalized, are very much in line with the current published ASSE 1013-2021 standard. This is not surprising, as the two ASSE/CSA standards had more similarities than differences. This fact further supports the reason why harmonization is desirable.

Once ASSE1013/CSA B64.4 is published, the Harmonization Task Group will address the harmonization of ASSE 1015, Performance Requirements for Double Check Backflow Prevention Assemblies, and CSA B64.5, Double check valve (DCVA) backflow preventers. With the groundwork laid for the harmonized backflow standards, the process should move more quickly. Additionally for the next harmonization activities, the fact that many of the requirements between ASSE1013/CSA B64.4 and ASSE 1015/CSA B64.5 are the same should further speed up publication of ASSE 1015/CSA B64.5.

ASSE will continue to work with other SDOs to harmonize its standards where it makes sense. It is worth noting that harmonization cannot occur without the cooperation of other SDOs and the support from industry.

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Terry Burger, ASSE / IAPMO senior director of Standards Development, has been working in the plumbing industry since 1994. During that time, he has worked in the areas of product development, quality, testing, and compliance. Burger earned an Engineering degree from Case Western Reserve University and an MBA from Cleveland State University. Prior to working in the plumbing industry, he worked in the nuclear power industry for nine years as a chemist and was enlisted for six years in the U.S. Navy in the submarine service.