I Love My Job
I can honestly say that I love my job. I think the work I do is important, as it helps to improve people’s lives and protects their health. Since the beginning of...
Domestic Assemblies vs Fire Protection Assemblies
Is the testing of backflow prevention assemblies the same for both domestic assemblies and for assemblies installed on fire protection systems? The correct answer is both yes and no. The field test...
Is Change a Good Thing?
As with so many questions we ask in the cross-connection industry, there are both simple and complicated answers to this question. The best answer to the question is that it depends. In...
Planting Trees
As someone who has the privilege of teaching cross-connection control and backflow tester certification classes in many different areas of the United States (and internationally on occasion), I am, in many cases,...
Prevention Rather Than Cure
With things moving toward a new normal and the COVID situation becoming more under control in many areas, we are again on the road conducting training and certification across the nation. Looking back at...
Backflow Prevention and Water Quality Issues
The installation of backflow prevention protection is an important part of internally maintaining the water quality within a facility through the use of isolation cross-connection protection. The installation of cross-connection protection at the service...
The Ever-changing Backflow Industry
The focus of this issue of Working Pressure is “New Technology." In the backflow industry, changes occur all the time. Existing product standards are revised and updated, new products are introduced, and new product...
Inspectors are Critical to Public Health
People reading this article are for the most part aware of the importance of backflow prevention and cross-connection control. We know that backflow prevention assemblies, methods, and devices are vital pieces in protecting the...
New Year’s Resolutions for 2020
As 2019 ends, it’s a good time to reflect on what we have accomplished over the past 12 months and what we look forward to doing in the year 2020. It has been a...
When the Public Loses Faith
Do you have faith in the institutions that affect your life? Your church, your government, the Boy Scouts of America, your local news, or the weatherman? Most people will answer no to at least...