According to the ASSE International Plumbing Dictionary, working pressure is the maximum pressure in a water piping system allowable under normal working conditions. Likewise, test pressure is the pressure applied to equipment to test its ability to operate safely at its rated working pressure.

In each issue of Working Pressure magazine, we will present you with Test Pressure – 10 test questions based on ASSE standards to test your ability to operate under normal working conditions.

This issue, we test you on backflow prevention.


Questions based on the ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 5000, Cross-Connection Control Professional Qualifications Standard.

The maximum pressure drop across an ASSE 1015 (Double Check), ASSE 1020 (Pressure Vacuum Breaker), or ASSE 1056 (Spill Resistant Vacuum Breaker) assembly during rated flow is:
The most important consideration when choosing the proper cross-connection protection is:
A lawn irrigation system without chemical injection would be considered a _____ hazard:
Vacuum breakers provide protection against:
The ASSE product performance standard for double check valve assemblies is:
ASSE Series 5000, Cross-Connection Control Professional Qualifications Standard, was first issued in the year:
If a reduced pressure principle assembly is to be installed vertically, it is important that the installer:
Backpressure to the functioning number two check valve on a reduced pressure principle assembly will likely:
A hose connection requiring protection from backsiphonage and low head backpressure can be protected using a:
Atmospheric vacuum breakers of all kinds must not be subjected to continuous pressure for more than _____ hours in at 24-hour period.
Backflow Prevention Quiz - Sept 2021
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