According to the ASSE International Plumbing Dictionary, working pressure is the maximum pressure in a water piping system allowable under normal working conditions. Likewise, test pressure is the pressure applied to equipment to test its ability to operate safely at its rated working pressure.

In each issue of Working Pressure magazine, we will present you with Test Pressure – 10 test questions based on ASSE standards to test your ability to operate under normal working conditions.

This issue, we test you on backflow prevention.


Questions based on the ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 5000, Cross-Connection Control Professional Qualifications Standard.

Most irrigation systems, when properly installed, are not subjected to any type of __________ backflow.
When used in irrigation systems, reclaimed rain and gray water piping shall be identified by use of the color __________.
When testing a reduced pressure principle assembly using the ASSE field test procedures, the first component tested is the:
When using any nationally recognized backflow field test procedure, you must:
ASSE 1011 hose connection vacuum breakers installed in areas where they may be subjected to temperatures below freezing shall be __________.
Plumbing fixture fittings with integral backflow protection shall comply with __________.
Backflow prevention devices include all of the following except:
The maximum pressure loss during rated flow of an ASSE 1024 dual check valve is __________.
Toxins may enter a water supply pipe air-gap separation through the __________.
The most importation factor in selection of the required backflow prevention method is __________.
Backflow Prevention Quiz - Sept 2020
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