The 2023 ASSE International Mid-Year Meeting was held April 4-5 at Plumbers Local 130 Training Center in Chicago. Members of ASSE International and its various committees met to discuss, influence, and guide the important business of ASSE International, including standards, certifications, membership, and code development.
For those who couldn’t attend, below are brief recaps of each meeting and event, along with some photos. To see even more photos, visit our 2023 ASSE International Mid-Year Meeting Flickr album at
Each day of the 2023 ASSE International Mid-Year Meeting included a networking/hospitality area for coffee, snacks, and lounging between meetings and during breaks. Thank you to National Inspection Testing Certification Corporation (NITC) and Sprinkler Fitters UA Local 709 for sponsoring the networking/hospitality area!
Tuesday, April 4
Seal Control Board Meeting
The Seal Control Board (SCB) Meeting was called to order by Brianne Hall, SCB Chair, at 9:06am. William Briggs was introduced as a new SCB member. Eric Dickey was introduced as the ASSE Product Listing Coordinator. ASSE product standards and product listing program updates were presented by Chris White. ASSE’s internal and SCC audits were discussed. The meeting concluded with a training session by Sean Cleary which covered the fundamentals of reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies.
Fire Prevention Technical Committee (15000) Meeting
The Fire Prevention Technical Committee met and reviewed statistics concerning the number of approved schools, instructors, and proctors for the ASSE 15010 Certification program. The revised ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI 15000, Professional Qualifications Standard for the Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, was discussed. The draft of the new ASSE Series 27000, Professional Qualifications Standard for Hybrid Fire Extinguishing Systems Personnel, was also discussed — working group has met to update the standard according to the most up to date codes. The committee also discussed the possibility of changing the ASSE 15000 certification card to make some aspects of it stand out. These changes will be investigated. An examination question task force was formed to undertake the task of reviewing and making updates to the written examination — a series of meetings will be scheduled to begin this process.
Professional Qualifications Technical Committee Meeting
The Professional Qualifications (PQ) Technical Committee is composed of the chairpersons of each professional qualifications technical committee, the chairperson of the PQ Standards Committee, and the ASSE International President. The committee discussed ASSE’s various certification programs and shared ideas for improving programs. The committee also discussed future reviews of certification exam questions and discussed ASSE’s complaint policy.
Product Standards Committee Meeting
The Product Standards Committee (PSC) was presented with updates on product standards that have been recently revised. Since the 2022 ASSE International Annual Meeting in October 2022, eight standards have been revised or reaffirmed. Additionally, the PSC discussed the status of several standards that are currently in working groups — 18 standards are in working group, and nine are in queue. Several standards that fall under the classification of “Hydrant” are nearing completion. These are ASSE 1011, Hose Connection Vacuum Breakers, Wall Hydrant with Backflow Protection and Freeze Resistance; ASSE 1052, Hose Connection Backflow Preventers; and ASSE 1057, Freeze Resistant Sanitary Yard Hydrants with Backflow Protection.
ASSE is accepting working group applications for the following standards:
- ASSE 1004, Dishwasher Backflow Prevention Requirements
- ASSE 1079, Dielectric Pipe Union
- ASSE 1115, Automatic Hot Water Balancing Valve
- ASSE 1376, Ultra and Nano Drinking Water Treatment Systems
- ASSE 1378, Point of Entry Anion Exchange –Nitrate Reduction
- ASSE 1379, Proportional Flow Controller, with Protection from Cross Contamination, for use in Drinking Water Installations
Working group applications can be downloaded HERE.
Cross-Connection Control Technical Committee Meeting
The Cross-Connection Control Technical (CCCTC) reviewed statistics on schools, proctors, instructors, classes held, exams taken, and pass/fail rates. It was reported that there are approximately 20,889 current ASSE Certifies backflow professionals. In addition, updating the program Guidelines was discussed and a subcommittee was created to review and update the Guidelines. A self-paced proctor course for future and current ASSE Proctors was discussed and is in the process of development. It was also reported that there is a policy in place to review the exam questions.
Membership Committee Meeting
The Membership Committee Meeting began with an overview of Membership Committee activities, including updates on the progress of the new ASSE database and discussion on the type of content to be developed for “Members Only.” There were additional discussions about sending out a survey and gathering statistics for Working Pressure magazine readers and ASSE members.
Un-bowl-ievable Event at Punch Bowl Social Chicago
At the end of Day 1, Mid-Year Meeting attendees joined us for our “Un-bowl-ievable Event” at Punch Bowl Social Chicago. The event included bowling, light dinner, and beverages. This was a great evening for relaxing, re-connecting with colleagues and friends, and having a bit of fun. A big thank you to Rainwater Management Solutions, Southern California Pipe Trades District Council 16, Sprinkler Fitters Local 483, and Viega Trades Education Network for sponsoring this event!
Wednesday, April 5
ASSE 12000 Technical Committee (ICRA, Water Quality, and Legionella Programs) Meeting
The committee reviewed statistics concerning training providers, instructors, and certified individuals for the Infection Control Certification, Water Quality Certification, and Legionella Water Safety and Management Specialist programs. The committee discussed the need to change the committee member application to include check boxes so that individuals can check which category their expertise is in as it relates to ICRA, Water Quality, and Legionella. An examination question task force was formed to undertake the task of reviewing and making updates to the written examination — a series of meetings will be scheduled to begin this process.
Professional Qualification Standards Committee Meeting
The Professional Qualification Standards Committee (PQSC) discussed the status of several standards that are currently in working groups. The three standards in revision/development are ASSE Series 12000, Professional Qualifications Standard for Water Management and Infection Control Risk Assessment for Building Systems; ASSE Series 15000, Professional Qualifications Standard for the Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems; and ASSE Series 22000, Professional Qualifications Standard for Water Treatment Equipment Personnel. ASSE Series 16000, Professional Qualifications Standard for Inspectors and Plans Examiners, is approaching five years since its last publication — the PQSC discussed and made a recommendation to the Board of Directors to reaffirm ASSE Series 16000. The PQSC also reviewed and discussed a request to develop a new standard for cured in place pipe (CIPP) inspectors. Following the discussion, the committee approved a recommendation to the Board of Directors to develop a professional qualifications standard for CIPP inspectors.
Service Plumber Technical Committee Meeting
The Service Plumber Technical Committee reviewed information on schools, instructors, and proctors that are approved to offer the ASSE 13010 Service Plumber Certification. An update of plumbers who have current, or recently expired certifications, was also given. The committee also discussed plans for the ASSE 13030 Hybrid Certification, adding new scenarios to the Service Plumber practical exam, and promoting the program.
Educational Seminar: Anatomy of an Examination
Kathleen Huttner, ASSE/IAPMO Senior Director of Testing and Credential Services, provided a brief training overview about exam question writing and the examination process. Huttner recently came on board with ASSE International and IAPMO, and has more than 15 years of experience managing certification programs. Her goal at ASSE is to work with technical committees to guide them through the process of ensuring that the examinations that ASSE administers are valid, reliable, and timely, and the results generated are fair for test takers.
Code Development Committee Meeting
The Code Development Committee (CDC) reviewed and discussed code development timelines for 2027 model codes, including UPC, IPC, NSPC, and Canadian Plumbing Code. State authored codes and amendments were also discussed, and a reminder was given that the ASSE Code Development Committee is available to assist with any state codes or state amendments. The CDC NFPA subcommittee, which was recently formed, discussed progress on furthering ASSE standards in NFPA codes.
Thank You to Our Mid-Year Meeting Sponsors!