2020 scholarship application packets from the American Society of Sanitary Engineering Scholarship Fund will be available on March 1. This program is open to members of ASSE International and their relatives, except honorary members, who have been members for more than the current year and are enrolled, or about to enroll, as full-time students at a college or university degree program. Interested students can request an application packet by sending an email to assescholarship@yahoo.com with their full name, address, phone number, email address, and the name of the ASSE International member related to them.

Please make note and remember that all completed applications must be postmarked NO LATER THAN August 27, 2020 in order to be eligible for an award this year.

Funding of this fine scholarship program is only through your donations, sponsorships, and the purchase of raffle tickets. This year, the Fund will conduct a raffle prior to the ASSE International Annual Meeting with 50 percent of the proceeds going into the scholarship fund and the other 50 percent to the winners. First prize will be half of that 50 percent with two other winners sharing the other half. For the engineers, accountants, and mathematics majors, it works out as 50 percent to the fund, 25 percent to the first prize winner, and 12.5 percent prizes to the second and third place winners. Ticket donations remain the same at $25 each or five for $100. Send requests for tickets, along with your check made out to the ASSE Scholarship Fund, to:

ASSE Scholarship Program
312 Nancy Circle
Brunswick, OH 44212

The American Society of Sanitary Engineering Scholarship Fund is an Ohio Nonprofit Corporation that exists separately and independently of the ASSE International Chapter of IAPMO, LLC. The ASSE Scholarship Fund is not an affiliate of ASSE International, nor is it an affiliate of The IAPMO Group.

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Richard J. Prospal, IPP, FASSE is Chairperson of the ASSE Scald Awareness Task Group, and is an International Past President of ASSE and a past Board Member of the World Plumbing Council. He is a retired member of Plumbers Local 55, Cleveland, Ohio, and has more than 50 years’ experience in the plumbing and mechanical industries. He currently operates Prospal Consulting Services, Inc. as a plumbing/mechanical project management service, and expert witness and forensic investigative service provider.